Closing Plenary

15:30 – 16:20 Summary Reports by Rapporteurs


·       Enhancing Multi-Stakeholders Cooperation
by Ms. Duangthip Chomprang, Internet Society

·       Inclusiveness & Diversity
by Ms. Noelle de Guzman, Internet Society

·       Internet & Human Rights; and Internet Economy
by Ms. Sherly Haristya, Nanyang Technological University

·       Critical Internet Resources; and Emerging Issues
by Ms. Jennifer Chung, DotAsia Organisation

·       Cybersecurity & Trust; and Openess
by Mr. Klee Aiken, APNIC

Youth Internet Governance Forum

·       Delegate of Youth IGF

Outcomes Document Discussion

·       Mr. Paul Wilson, Director General of APNIC

·       Mr. Edmon Chung, CEO of DotAsia Organisation

16:20 – 16:40 Discussion / Q&A
16:40 – 16:45 2016 Local Host Presentation

·       Mr. Kuo Wei Wu, CEO of NIIEPA

16:45 – 17:00 Closing Remarks

·       Local Host of Macao 2015
Mr. Holmes Leong, CEO of HNET.Asia (MONIC)

·       APrIGF Secretariat
Mr. Edmon Chung, CEO of DotAsia Organisation

·       Youth IGF Organizer
Mr. Wilson Lam, NetMission Ambassador, NetMission.Asia

·       APrIGF Multi-Stakeholder Steering Group (Chair)
Mr. Paul Wilson, Director General of APNIC