Open Call for Themes and Workshop Proposals

Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum
APrIGF 2015 Macao

30 Jun (Pre-event) 1 – 3 Jul (Main Conference) 2015
Cotai Central Macau University of Science & Technology, Macao

Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) is one of the key regional initiatives on Internet governance which provides an open platform for multi-stakeholders to discuss and identify issues and priorities, and ultimately advances the development of Internet governance in the Asia Pacific region as well as bring forward and contribute to the wider global Internet community.

Hosted by HNET.Asia, the registry for the ccTLD of Macao (.mo), APrIGF 2015 will be held from 30 Jun (Tue) to 3 Jul (Fri) at the Cotai Central Macao in conjunction with an annual local telecommunications event – CommuniMacao (3-5 Jul). With the many recent developments of the Internet such as the IANA stewardship transition and the discussion of post-2015 development agenda, etc, APrIGF 2015 will definitely be the good platform for all these important discussions.

Our Multi-Stakeholder Steering Group(MSG) now would like to call upon the community to contribute to the program development process and suggest any thematic issues or topic of discussions as well as pre-events or workshop proposals for 2015!

Online Submission Form: (
Thematic Suggestion Deadline: 4 Dec 2014 (Thu)
Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: 11 Mar 2015 (Wed) [Extended to 30 Mar (Mon)]

**Travel support will be available with partial subsidies provided to selected APrIGF delegates. An application process will be announced in due course.

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact the secretariat at

If you are interested to follow any news and updates about APrIGF and discuss relevant issues, you may subscribe to the mailing list by sending in subscription request.

We also welcome any Internet-related organisation to become a sponsor. Please contact for more information.